Saturday, February 16, 2013

There is no such thing as time travel

Time is a figment of our imagination, an aspect of the human condition, and what my daughter hates most about "people" and their obsession with fictional time travel. I thought she liked "Dr. Who." Since animals don't have a perception of time, are they happier? I think that is what makes them so enjoyable. Since animals don't perceive time, a fat, happy, purring cat on my lap is pure in the moment joy. Wait, I hear a clock ticking above the deepening purr. According to Louis A DelMonte, "solutions to Einstein’s theory of general relativity, time dilation experiments, and the Existence Equation Conjecture suggest that time travel IS possible." Oops cat got spooked and jumped off  my lap. Could all of these scientific theories be put to rest due to the realization that the nature of time itself is just human brain static? Just think of all the free time we could have, right NOW! 

I think I will lay off the science fiction for a bit a read a nice cookbook.


  1. A comment to share a link

  2. all exists simultaneously and our perception of time is limited perception of space along another axis distorted due to relativity, causing it to lose it's appearance as "space" as it shrinks to two-dimensional perspective.

    Hello, my friend.
    Running Spiral-Matrix Academic Resources & Tutoring and homeschooling my daughter, Honor. Such a joy to hear from you!

    Contact at will. If there is ANY parent or child I can help, all contact by email, as long as it isn't TOO complex, is welcome and free. Not going to get any business from California (I'm in Texas), but I don't care. You personally know how much I love kids and parents.

    Michael (Give Duncan, Mary, and Laura a hug for me if you spot my family there).
